Happy Belated Blog Anniversary

Hello dolls! My blog was a year old on Monday and due to some Network issues I could not put up a post. So this is a late post. I start...

Hello dolls! My blog was a year old on Monday and due to some Network issues I could not put up a post. So this is a late post. I started this blog on the 12th of January, 2014. It has been an amazing year. I have learnt a lot and looking back I have released my mistakes and this year I will try to be a better blogger and focus more on the important things.
In the spirit of the New year, I will like to change a lot on the blog. I will also like to add some more features.
Firstly, I promise to blog more frequently and improve on my content. It is a fashion blog and it has to feel and look like one. *winks*. I also promise to put up better and clearer pictures. I have gotten a better and clearer camera.
I would be doing a designer feature every month, this is to support upcoming fashion designers and help to promote their brands and in the same light promote my blog. I am going to do features on photographers, MUAs and other bloggers I like and I think I can relate with and work with.
I promise to have better and bigger giveaways which will be more frequent. 
Asides from putting up my OOTDs I will also give fashion inspirations, advice, style tips and also shopping tips.
One of my goals this year is to come out of my comfort zone and try new things. One of which is travelling. So I will be sharing my travel memoirs with you. It will be like a travel guide which can be useful to you.

Finally, I will be redesigning my blog soon. 

I want to say a Big thank you to all who have followed my blog, commented and supported me. I have come this far because of you. Some days I feel like shutting down but when I think of you I push ahead. I promise to listen and take advice to become a better blogger and also a better person. I promise this year will be the beginning of greater heights.

Thank you and love you all.


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