My Nine Rules of Fashion

  Hey fashionistas, Yeah! it is a few weeks to Christmas. So many sales, promotion, events for this month. I have one giveaway comin...

 Hey fashionistas, Yeah! it is a few weeks to Christmas. So many sales, promotion, events for this month. I have one giveaway coming up for all my readers and followers. Well, ladies preparing for the festive are some fashion rules to keep in mind to wow your loved ones. 

RULE 1: 
Always wear what you want to wear. This is my golden rule. I love wearing what i want to wear.  I don't need to follow a certain trend or style. As long as it suits my body and i feel good in it, I am rocking it. Fashionistas are trendsetters not trend followers. Always bear that in mind. *winks* 

 It is not about brand, it is about style. A lot of ladies always love to wear branded outfits, to make a statement. Some believe if it isn't Gucci, Prada, YvesSaintLaurent, Louis Vuitton, Christian Louboutins etc then you don't have style. Ladies, you can wear all the brand names but if you don't have don't have it. Simple as ABC.

 RULE 3: 
Only great minds can afford simple style. You don't have to have a million naira in your account to be stylish. Style has nothing to do with money. It is your carriage, charisma, attitude and most importantly confidence that speaks your fashion statement for you.

 RULE 4: 
Fashion can be bought, but with style you have to be born with it. Simply put, if you don't have style you can buy all the fashionable items you can think of but you still won't stand out.

 RULE 5: 
The Heels. Yes, this is my favorite rule. Heels makes d outfit complete. To be a complete fashionista you need to know how to work 'em heels. So ladies, if you can't work 'em heels get to practice now.

 RULE 6: 
Life is to short to wear boring clothes. Yeah it definitely is. Fashionista do the extraodinary thats why we stand out. Wear something fun, experiement, come out of the shell, leave your comfort zone and make that fashion statement. *winks*

 RULE 7: 
Shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist. When you feeling down and secret; pick up your bag and head to the malls or boutique and do a lil' shopping. Darling you would feel good and your spirit elevated. *winks* I do it all the time.

 RULE 8:
 Big price doesn't mean big style. Guess this rule is quite clear and straight to the point. If I get a dress for N12,000 and you get yours for N67, doesn't mean your style is slicker than mine. All that matters is how you pull it off. 

RULE 9: 
Always go shopping alone. Yeah, I love shopping alone. I don't like contrasting opinions. I am wearing the outfit and I love making the decision my self. No hating........just being me. Yeah nine fashion rules. 


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